
free educational software for refurbished PCs Grey Olltwit Software - Authorised Installer Program
Making Low Cost, High Quality Educational Software Since 1996
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Free Software For Computer Refurbishers

Grey Olltwit Educational Software have been making educational programs, games and other software for over 14 years now. We are proud to say that many homes, schools, colleges, special needs and adult education centres around the World use our work.

Over the years we have been approached by many PC Windows, computer refurbishers to supply software for their recycled systems. To date we have provided this on an ad-hoc basis. Now we have created this new free program to enable computer refurbishers to easily install some of our software on recycled machines. The free, full version, software titles include 20 educational programs, 20 games and 10 utility programs.

More details about all our software, plus user feedback can be found on our main website at www.greyolltwit.com

If you are a computer refurbisher and are interested in this program, then please visit the links at the top of the page for more details, ordering and contact details.

Special thanks to Hank in Ohio for his inspiration and help to make this new program for refurbishers. Hank writes, "I would like to thank you for your wonderful software you have created. I work for a very large county agency that provides services to over 8000 consumers with Mental Retardation and Development Disabilities. We have shown hundreds of consumers how to operate a computer with the help of your software. We have a computer class and the first programs we use are "Mouse Skills" and then "tidy up". The individual that can't use a mouse independently can also enjoy using a computer with your early education programs like Press a letter. Please keep on creating your fantastic software.".

Simon Hensby aka Grey Olltwit

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